Terms & Conditions

Standard conditions of sale


  • Quotations are subject to confirmation on receipt of orders.
  • All prices quoted are exclusive of value added tax, which shall be paid by Customer along with other applicable duties or levies.
  • Carriage, bespoke packaging and insurance will be charged extra except where specifically stated on our quotation.

Payment terms

  • Net cash 30 days from date of invoice unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • Time for payment of all sums shall be of essence in the contract.  If the Customer fails to make any payment on the due date then without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Seller reserves the right to suspend any further deliveries and / or charge the Customer interest on amounts unpaid at the rate of 6% per annum above Bank of England base rate from the time the invoice is due to be paid until final payment is made.


  • Where contracts provide for a single delivery without specifying a date, products shall be delivered and accepted within 7 days of their being ready
  • Where contracts provide for deferred deliveries all deliveries  shall be accepted within two months of the specified first delivery or available date.  In the event of failure to accept any delivery, that delivery shall be deemed to have occurred at the time the delivery is tendered and storage costs charged to the Customer’s account with the products being  held at the Customer’s risk. each delivery shall constitute a separate contract and any failure or defect in any one delivery shall not vitiate the contract as to the remaining deliveries.
  • Delivery date(s) are approximate only and time shall not be the essence of the contract in relation to delivery of the products or services.


  • All designs, design documents and origination work remain the property of the Seller.

Intellectual property rights

  • All copyrights, design rights, know how and intellectual property rights whatsoever in products, designs, models and origination work created or carried out by the Seller pursuant to these conditions shall belong to and remain with the Seller exclusively and unless otherwise agreed all rights are reserved for the benefit of the Seller.  Any such rights that may vest in the Customer by operation of law shall be assigned to the Seller on demand.  The Customer shall not be entitled to copy or reproduce the products, designs, design documents or origination work in any way whatsoever, whether itself or through a third party and no license is granted to the Customer permitting it to manufacture or to appoint or allow any other person to do so.

Customer requirements, printing and construction

  • Alterations from the prototype or original copy after presentation / first proofing including alterations of the construction or materials will be charged extra.  Prototypes and proofs may be submitted for Customer’s approval but no responsibility will be accepted for any errors that may be so approved.  The Customer shall be solely responsible for any matter that the Seller produces at the request of the Customer.
  • The Customer shall obtain all authorisations necessary for the use of such matter and shall indemnify the Seller and defend the Seller against and hold it harmless from and against all claims, actions, losses and liabilities incurred of any third party’s trademarks or intellectual property rights or deformation.


  • Complaints or claims will only be entertained if lodged by the Customer within 30 days of receipt of products by him, or if related to the transport of the products within such time as will enable the Seller to comply with the time limit  and procedure of the carriers by whom the products were transported.  The return of products will not be accepted unless the Seller or its representation shall first have had the opportunity of examining the same.
  • If the Customer notifies the Seller of any defect in materials or workmanship as aforesaid, the Seller shall be entitled at its own option to replace or repair products or any part in question or refund to the Customer the contract price (or an apportioned part of the contract price).  The Seller shall have no further liability to the Customer.  The guarantee given in this Clause is given in lieu of all warranties and all conditions and other terms implied by Statute or Common Law, hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • Except in respect of liability for death or personal injury arising as a direct result of the negligence, the Seller aggregate liability for any loss, injury or damage or any nature whatsoever resulting from negligence or breach of these conditions arising out of, or relating to the design, manufacture, supply, packaging, delivery, storage or use of any products, not exceeding the contract price.

Cost variation

  • The price is subject to revision in the event of any increase or decrease in the cost incurred by the Seller between the date of confirmation of the order and the date of delivery to the Customer.

Customers property

  • Customers property when supplied to the Seller will be held at the Customers risk.  Every care will be taken to secure the best results where the Customer suppliers materials, but responsibility will not be accepted for imperfect work caused by defects in or unsuitability of material so supplied.


  • Whilst every endeavour will be made to supply material in accordance with the quality of samples submitted or quoted for, the contract is not a contract of sale by sample.

Force majeure etc.

  • The performance of this contract is subject to variation or cancellation by the Seller owing to an act of God, war, strikes, lock–outs, fire, flood, drought, tempest or any other cause beyond the control of the Seller or owing to any inability by the Seller to procure materials or articles required for the performance of the contract and the Seller shall not be held responsible for any inability to deliver caused by any such contingency.

Title and risk

  • Title to the products shall pass to the Purchaser upon despatch to the Purchaser from the manufacturing premises without prejudice to any right of inspection or rejection which may accrue to the Purchaser under these terms and conditions.  Despatch of the Products from the manufacturing premises extinguishes the Sellers ownership rights in them and no title is retained by the Seller.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, risk of loss for the Products shall remain with the Seller while the goods are in transit and shall only shift to Purchaser once the Products are delivered to the designated delivery address.  Seller shall provide insurance on the Products during transit.

Reservation of title

  • Property in any product supplied by the Seller shall, notwithstanding delivery to the Customer, remain with the Seller until the Seller has received:
  • The total price payable under the relevant invoice; and any sum payable by reason of an invoiced sum due under an invoice in respect of an earlier order.
  • Risk or damage to or loss of any product supplied by the Seller shall pass to the Customer on delivery or if the Customer wrongfully fails to take delivery, at the time when delivery is intended.  Until such time as title passes to the Customer, the Customer shall hold the products as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and bailee.  The Customer shall label all products as the Seller’s property and shall ensure that the products are insured with a reputable insurance company.
  • Until title in the product passes to the Customer, the Seller shall be entitled at any time to require the Customer to deliver up the products and if the Customer fails to do so forthwith to enter upon the premises where the products are stored to repossess the same  and the Customer shall allow the Seller or any other person nominated by the Seller access, or procure the access as aforesaid to enable the Seller to repossess the same.


  • These conditions govern the contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions and supersede all prior agreements and representations.  No variation or amendment to these conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing and signed by the parties.
  • This Agreement shall be governed and constructed in accordance with English Law and each of the parties irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.